This Knife is Awesome!

This knife is awesome!! Cutting grapefruit can be just tedious enough to skip it all together. It’s not like walking 10 miles for water, I know, I know….but sometimes it’s just too much effort in the morning! This little guy works like a charm and it’s pretty darn gratifying to see that empty grapefruit shell and know that you’re one up in superfoods for the day and it’s not even 7 AM. Love that feeling.

Remove The Option To Quit….

Remove the Option To Quit…

Dedication got me TO the hill this morning and Determination got me UP it.

‘Quitting is not an option for you today,’ I told myself. ‘You will run up that damn hill come what may! Red-faced, wheezing, moaning, ugly form, short, sloppy strides – No quitting. I don’t care how ugly it gets, keep running.’

And ya know what? I not only ran up the hill once, but three times!!!

Ugly feels GOOD. Damn good!

Remove YOUR option to quit.

Sunday Funday Workout!

Here’s my workout from yesterday –
Around the World Lunges x5
Situps with the ball shoulder press at top x 30
Repeat 4x

Leg Raises on the Dip Station x 10
Horizontal Pull Ups on the Dip Station x 10
Squat Jumps x 10
Push Ups with alternating knees in x 10
Repeat 4x

With little to no rest in between exercises and circuits. Donzo in under 20 minutes!!!

Cat-like Curiousity…

My time is my most valuable possession. I wouldn’t trust it to just anyone. So when my friend invited me to tag along with her personal trainer, I DID hesitate. After all, I’m my favorite personal trainer and I love and value spending time with me!

However, Carlos my running coach is her personal trainer and so I was a little curious what it is that Carlos is doing. There’s always something new to learn and I do indeed trust Ironman-running Carlos.

I put my valuable 60 minutes in the trust of Carlos, because I was curious….

Here’s the workout.

5 minute Warm UP walking
4 quarter mile intervals with 1 minute rest in between (mine were 7.0, 7.0, 7.5 and 8.0)

Core and Coordination
3 Supersets of..
Basketball pass (lateral hop up and down the court while chest passing the ball back and forth between my friend and self)

Cardio, Core and Coordination
4 times through 30 second drills (see first group) with active rest (see second group)
High Knees
Butt Kicks
Jumping Jacks
Parachutes (like a burpee without the pushup)

Crunches with Knees Up
Spine Extensions (Legs & Arms Extended)

Cardio & Reactionary (Reactionary is how Carlos referred to this piece)
Half court suicides which started with us laying face down on the ground reacting to the whistle.

Balance on 1 Leg in squatting position
Same only with eyes closed (I’m HORRIBLE at this!)


At the end of the workout, this curious cat was nicely satisfied…..and sweaty too. (wink!)

Stretch! Stretch!

My glutes and shins are sore from my uphill battle the other day. I’m going to be a fanatical stretcher this month. 😉

Today I taught a TRX class in the AM and followed it up with a 30 minute run around Escazu. Slow and Steady…. I’ve signed myself up for a 5k with friends October 21st so this month is hills and getting some running miles in. This will be my first 5k ever – can you believe it!!???

Hill, Hill, Hill, Mountain!

OK, I’m from the center of America….it’s flat there. I now live in Central America and it is NOT flat here! (

Back on the Illinois high school track team when we ran hills, it was the ‘hill’ going over the interstate. The overpass. That’s a man-made hill, barely a hill! I remember it though as great training. In my mind, I was looking for a hill just like the one from my high school days….

I think I chose a mountain though!

AND, I think I may have accidentally chosen the highest one in Costa Rica!! Ha ha ha, not really. 🙂 That’s what it felt like while I was running it, though.

If my mapmyrun app is correct…(I had a small issue that day)

My first split was 5:13 and my second split shows at 5:04. I have to redo the measurements of distance and grade, and will update on Monday when I rerun that hill.

Here are my goals for the month!!!

Good goal – to break 5 minutes at 4:59
Great goal – 4:30
Awesome goal to break 4 minutes at 3:59

P.S. This is STILL a picture of my ‘hill’. It’s a long one with lots of bends and curves.