
GGA (Good, Great or Awesome) is about busting your ass in the name of ‘Hell-Yes-I-Can! Watch Me!’ Each month we set, short term fitness goals and work like madmen to achieve them.


A little about me…..

In 2001 I became Certified as a Personal Trainer by the International Sports and Science Association. I have designed and implemented health and wellness programs for numerous clients at national fitness centers as well as health and supplement stores including: Bally’s Total Fitness, Gold’s Gym and GNC. I am a Certified Allegro Level 1 Pilates Instructor. Though, the past eight years my full-time job has been a Mom, I still practice what I preach.

I believe in the power of goals. Fitness goals specifically, because when your mind is saying, ‘No, I can’t run another 100 meters’ and then you do! That ‘YES I CAN’ carries over into life. CONFIDENCE is created and THAT is the empowerment of a having a focused fitness goal. The bikini bod? That’s the bonus.

Speaking of the bikini bod, I have been a size 12 AND a size 2 and I will tell you a size 2 feels better! When you train with purpose and intensity the aesthetics will come….but it doesn’t necessarily work the other way around.

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