Garage Workout On the Go!

Thankfully my brother in law has a few key pieces of workout equipment. Got a garage workout in today!

Warm Up
100 jumping jacks
100 high knees
100 cross body reach

12 Manmaker pushups* (with 5 lb weights)
50 mountain climbers
30 dumbbell swings (with 20 lb weight)
25 Full Situps
50 High Knees

Repeat for 5 cycles!

The ‘Not Enough Girl’

My biggest competitor? The ‘Not Enough’ Girl. She completed every mission…right along side me. She’s persistent after all, and she likes to make her presence known. She’s loud and she’s quick to blurt out things like, ‘You’ve entered too late…You’re never going to finish…You’re not pretty enough…You’re too pretty. You’re not young enough. You’re not athletic enough. You’re not good enough. You’re not…..enough.’ You know how you best that kind of competitor? You’re look her straight in the eye and you say, ‘I AM enough.’

This was my response from the Under Armour What’s Beautiful Contest –

Mission: Neck & Neck
Who do you consider your greatest competitor in this challenge? Pick out a completed mission by someone else in the competition and beat her at her own game. Show us how you bested her.

Rockin’ the ‘Bonus Benefits’ at the Beach…

BONUS!! 🙂 I always say health and fitness are NOT all about how you look in a bikini…right? Train for athletic goals not aesthetic goals. The bikini body is the BONUS, a side benefit, but not the end goal. Today I was out rockin’ (If I do say so myself) the ‘bonus benefits’ at the beach! Pura Vida! 🙂

Sprints, Stretching and a Little Socrates…

I hired a running coach for the day. Mr. Carlos Ramirez, athlete of over 100 triathlons and also my beloved swim teacher! I told him my goal, what my personal best mile time was and about how I die in the middle of my run. I asked, ‘How can I get better?’

Here’s what he said…

‘You already have the answers. I’m going to help you ask the right questions.’


And then he made me do sprints at 80% of my maximum percieved effort. Of course, to impress him, I went out at probably 90% of my effort and then nearly had to quit on rep 2. (How embarrassing!) I didn’t quit though and I made 8 reps of 400 meters with a 2 minute recovery in between.

Anyway, I don’t have the right answers OR the right questions yet, but I was CRIMSON faced when I was done. So a good workout it was indeed!

Here I am getting a stretch in afterwards!!

Kiss, Kiss,To My Flying Pig!

‘You will be a long distance runner when pigs fly’….I might have said that in my head a time or two. I’ve also said many times the classic, “I’m not a runner.”

That was just fear and excuses talking.

You ‘are not’ and ‘you cannot’ are just a place to BEGIN! That’s what this little flying piggy represents to me…a starting point. What is it you think you cannot do? That’s the very thing you MUST do. Is it running a marathon? Losing 20 pounds? Recovering from a serious injury? Whatever your goal, know this…

Fear and excuses are like bullies. Sometimes you just need to stand up to them! To tell them they are not having their way with you today. That in fact you’re not only NOT scared of them, you know they are part of the path of growth and you show them a little love for being part of your journey….as you leave them in the dust. (wink!)

Here I am showing my winged-piggy a little love…. Mua!

Dear Beautiful Self….

Dear Beautiful Self,

Take a good look at yourself. You are so much more than you think. You are faster than you think you are. You are stronger than you think you are and you are more capable than what you think. BELIEVE in yourself.

You are the lioness of your life. Fierce and full of heart. You are already beautiful. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Your job now is to set fire to that belief, blaze a path to your own confidence, and behold your own beauty. Those are the real rewards and they are worth every ache, blister and splitting breath. They are also the kind that stay with you. FOREVER.

Endlessly Yours,
Your Future Beautiful Self


Part of the brilliant Under Armour What’s Beautiful Contest. The Challenge was:

Future Self: Write a note from the ‘future you’ to the ‘current you’ explaining everything you’ll gain by completing your goal. Upload a photo with your note.

This was my post/response!