I Gotta Feeling! And It’s Name Is Cloud 9.

See that cloud right that at the top?!? That is Cloud 9 and I am on it!

5 pull-ups this morning!

I made my GREAT goal!

Today is my end of the month as I have no time in my day to make it to the gym tomorrow. I made my end of month test this morning and I feel so ‘great’ about it!

I’m also going to tell you this. I looked in the mirror this morning and thought, ‘This is it!’ I have reached MY perfection. Not only do I feel fit, I look fit and I am smitten with myself. I’ve told you all before it’s NOT all about the bikini. That’s NOT the end goal, but it IS a bonus for all the work you do in achieving fitness.

In April, I took the month off of training because of some personal set-backs. May was about training for pull-ups and about getting it all right back.

I did it!

I got it right back.

I am feeling AND looking good. It is a damn good feeling! One, everyone should have. To be in love, love, love with their own body for its function and its form.

I did ‘pull’ myself up indeed. WAY up! For that, I am joyful!