Blood, Sweat and Tears of a Workout…..Or At Least the Sweat Part.

This morning’s workout was a hot and sweaty one!  Well worth the hard work.


PART ONE: Cardio – 25 mins.

Warm up at 4.0 for 3 mins

Ran at 7.0 for 10 mins peeked at the clock and nearly died (that clock kills my running mojo everytime!!!)

Walked at 4.0 for 3 mins

Ran at 8.0 for 4 mins

Walked at 3.0 for 5 mins.

My best?  Nope, but respectable enough. Especially with what follows.


Functional Training – 4 exercises/4 sets

150 High Knee Jump Ropes

30 Exercise Ball Star Knee Tucks (arms folded on ball, opposite knee to opposite elbow)

20 Lunge with a Medicine Ball (cross body twist at bottom, shoulder press at the top)

20 One Legged Deadlifts with Medicine Ball (swing knee through and up and shoulder press at top)

Try for to go through this series as QUICK as possible.

Stop Being Afraid of Your Own ‘Ohm’!

Yoga class today.  Our teacher always wraps up with by uniting our class with three chanted ‘ohms’

Exhale slowly, Breath In and ‘Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm.’ Repeat. …

I’m not going to lie, I wasn’t a fan of the ‘Ohms’ at first.  It’s borderline cheesy and slightly uncool.  I thought.

However, because my neighbor’s ohm’d, I ohm’d.  Quietly and begrudgingly at first, but I ohm’d.  As the weeks went on the more enthusiasm my neighbors ohm’d with, the more enthusiasm I felt I could ohm with. I grew to like the ‘Ohms’.

Today was my first week back to yoga in six weeks.  I couldn’t find any of my favorite regulars to sit by so I sat by some other nice looking yogis.  When the class came to an end, it was time for the ‘Ohms’.

On ohm one my neighbors were so quiet!  I couldn’t hear their ‘ohms’!  I wasn’t sure how ‘Ohm’y I should be?  I felt lost.  And then I got it.  They were afraid of their ‘ohms’ as I had been. I had to Ohm for them as someone had once Ohm’d for me.

Even something so simple as not being afraid to ‘ohm’ is a powerful tool and lesson.

Sometimes you have to use your voice to free yourself.

Sometimes you have to use your voice in order to free others.

Who cares what’s cheesy and uncool?  Stop being afraid! If not for you, for the person next to you!
