Are You A Pace Setter or Do You Like to Be Paced?

 I had a girlfriend over for dinner Monday night and this was the discussion that came up.  She and her husband went to a personal training session together and ran laps of stairs.  She took the lead naturally until the trainer said to her husband, ok now you lead.

He said, ‘No that’s ok, I prefer to be paced.’

She then asked me, ‘Which do you …prefer?’

I had a hard time answering.  I’m not sure!

 I like to exercise by myself, I KNOW that.  I don’t do the group thing often…in fact next to never.  I replied that I like to set the pace if it’s an activity I’m confident in.  If it’s something new than I’d like someone else to set the pace.

I’m not sure that’s how I really feel about it though.  Do you know? Are you a pace setter or do you like to be paced?

Today’s WO:
20 Min run on the treadmill at 11.0 kph.
5 minute warm up and cool down at 6.0 kph

Couch Crash Versus Joy Jog. The Better Choice is Obvious…..At Least It Should Be.

Saturday and Sunday, I wasn’t able to get out to the gym and I wasn’t feeling up to something intense.


PLEASE NOTE:  I did not use that as an excuse to skip my workout entirely and crash on the couch.  (I know some of you do that!  No excuses!)  …


Instead I went out for what I am calling a ‘joy jog’ through my neighborhood on Saturday and Sunday.  A run for fun….well, almost fun. (wink!)  No clock, no pedometer, just me and the open air of Costa Rica. (sigh!)


Love those mountains!