So How Did It All End?

I was not a good blogger this month. I didn’t get all of my workouts posted for you. I did them….and I put my heart and soul into each workout maybe more so this month than any other before. I am going through some personal issues that require me to be an emotionally strong person. Stronger than I think I can be.

The internal conversations I had during my gym time (get up, do a little bit more, keep going, etc) was training for real-life this month.

At the beginning of the month, I set out with a general sense of building strength or getting stronger. I didn’t start out the month with any intention of starting all of these new things and yet those were the opportunities that came about – dance lessons, salsa lessons, volunteering – beginning new things. There are many different ways to be strong. Sometimes being willing to be a humble beginner is what makes strength of character. Sometimes ending the things that don’t allow you to flourish or reach your full potential are a tough, but necessary choice. It is also the very nature and cycle of life. Things are always beginning and or ending. Being strong is about moving toward the life you desire, even when there is change or challenge.

This month, I made my great goal and squatted 165 for three reps!!

That’s an additional 35 pounds of weight in 30 days and for that, I am stronger!

Salsa, Merengue, Chest Workout, Oh My!

Second dance lesson this week too. I didn’t practice my salsa moves at all – whoops – and it showed!

PLUS, my dance instructor, Sergio, decided it was time to shake things up and add Merengue to the mix. How funny was this lesson – I could not for the life of me get it. I hadn’t seen Merengue before so I had no idea how it looked. Here is a video of what it’s supposed to look like:​u3DHmPLgsD8

That’s obviously advanced! I did not do ANY turns because I couldn’t get the step forward, step backward part, right!!! So, I’m not ready for Disco nights just yet….(wink!)

Here’s my chest workout from the morning:

Bench Press (Machine)
Tricep Extension

Incline Press
Tricep Kickback

Dumbbell Fly
Tricep Pullover

Round 2 For the Pool!

I made it for my second swimming training. Only this time, I knew how stinkin’ cold the water was in advance AND exactly what level my swimming skills are…..which is next to NIL! That I went again knowing those two things is a MIRACLE!! 🙂

The instructer had us warm-up with 10 minutes of swimming laps. I have to be honest and tell you that it is a rare instance when I make it the length of the pool. I can’t seem to get the breathing right! I can’t…or don’t breathe, when I am supposed to breathe and then I get panicked!!! I DID swim for 10 minutes, but there was a lot of popping up out of the water when there was not supposed to be.

At the beginning, I was near quitting. (Yes, me!!!!!) I said, ‘Maybe swimming is not for everyone. Do you think that’s so?’

The Oh-So-Wise-Iron-Man instructor shook his head and said, ‘No,’ and made me keep going. By the end of the class I did feel like I had made progress. PROGRESS. That’s a step in the right direction. I suppose that’s all I can ask for!

Yoga Day and The Power House Chakra

My dear yoga instructor has been taken our class through the chakras and this week was Chakra 3.

According to Wikipedia the function of Chakra 3 is:

“Manipura is considered the centre of dynamism, energy, willpower and achievement (Itcha shakti.), which radiates prana throughout the entire human body. It is associated with the power of fire, and digestion. It is also associated with the sense of sight, and the action of movement. Manipura is “the center of etheric-psychic intuition: a vague or non-specific, sensual sense of knowing; a vague sense of size, shape, and intent of being.”[1] As such, some psychics recommend “listening” to it since it may help in making better decisions in one’s life on many different levels.[2]

Through meditating on Manipura, one is said to attain the siddhi, or occult power, to create and destroy the world.”

That is one powerful and strong chakra! How fitting for this month!?!!

Getting Over the Excuse Not to Try….By Salsa Method!

I will tell you again and again that I am not a long distance runner, not a swimmer and not a dancer. These are things I do not have a natural affinity for.

However, how can you live in Costa Rica and not learn to dance? Specifically, not learn to Salsa? It would be a tragedy! Or so I hear.

So…I had my first dance lesson. EVER! And I was very, very nervous because I am not a girl known for her rhythm.

Surprisingly, it was a very fun hour! I am sure it is because I have a good teacher (Sergio), but I am also certain it is because I am getting better at being a beginner at things (swimming, speaking spanish, salsa-ing to name a few)…though it’s not easy, and being a beginner is humbling.

When you say you are ‘not this or not that,’ or maybe, ‘I’m just NOT one of those people who likes to exercise, run, eat vegetables, etc,’ it’s really about giving yourself the excuse not to try. The excuse puts up a wall so that you don’t even have to THINK about trying it.

There’s a problem with that thinking in twofold. 1) They say that everything you want is just outside of your comfort zone and sooner or later if you want to achieve a goal that is important to you, you will HAVE to get comfortable being uncomfortable. 2) Getting outside of your comfort zone takes courage and courage is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger and easier it gets.

I’ve signed up for 5 more classes. Thank you very much!

P.S. This was my workout for the day! 60 mins of dance!

Peace and EmPOWERment!

Today, I went for my first experience volunteering at Association Obras del Espiritu Santo. (I need to figure out how to add a few accent marks there!) What a beautiful, peaceful place for kids who are in need.

I went as a reader and a song singer (Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes proving to be my most vaulable). The children were precious and I am most thankful to have had the experience. I plan on returning next Tuesday.

My leg workout was switched to the afternoon and went like this

5 min. warmup on the tready

4 sets of squats on the Smith Machine
1st set – warm up 85 pounds at 12 reps
2nd set – 125 pounds at 7 reps
3rd set – 135 pounds at 5 reps
4th set – 155 pounds at 2 reps (Good goal!!!!!)

Giant Set
Leg Press – 10 reps
Romanian Dead Lifts – 10 reps
Weighted Step ups – 10 each leg

Giant Set 2
Leg Extension – 8 reps
Leg Curl – 8 reps
Squat Jumps – 8

When you truly GIVE, being present in the moment and giving whatever energy you have to give to whatever situation is presenting itself, it’s empowering.

That’s EVERY situation, during your workout, at the volunteer center, or reading your child a book at night, etc.

It’s empowering to everyone who is present.

That’s being a difference maker, in your own life AND in the life of others.

Know When To Charge Your Battery…

Today, I am drained. I feel exhausted, tired and well, if I’m honest, moody.

Part of building strength is pushing through when you don’t want to or don’t believe you can. The flip side of that is knowing when you truly need a day of rest. Today is that day.

I am recharging my battery. Spent the morning with the kids at the pool. Now I am at the coffee shop enjoying some solo time and in a bit, I am headed to the movies….

Slow and Steady, Wins the Race….

Slow and steady, that’s the best pace for building muscle. You don’t stack an extra 45 pound plate on the barbell and make a go for it. Talk about dangerous!! Eek!!!

This morning’s leg workout, I pushed for an extra 10 pounds here and an extra rep or 3 there. As much as I could do, in a safe (protecting the back) manner.

Warm Up for 5 mins on the tready. I never skip my warmp up and neither should you!

Smith Machine – 5 sets including a 2 set warmup

Bulgarian Lunges – 3 sets supersetted with –
Clean and Press – 3 sets

Leg Extension – 3 sets supersetted with –
Leg Curls – 3 sets

Working on doing as much weight as possible for each exercise in a 7 rep, 5 rep, 2 rep succession. My 2 rep warmups for the squat were at are always at a weight I can do 10-12 reps with.
